Saturday, April 30, 2005

Totally Eclipsed!

Totally Eclipsed!
by: Katrina Holigores

Ah..the weekend once more. Summer has started and thankfully, the island of Boracay has not sunk under the weight of the sun-worshippers, sun-evaders and sunset fixated photographers who landed on its shores. Our world, along with other heavenly bodies, (planets not Vicki Belo endorsers) seems to revolve around the Sun; it is, for the most part, the center of our celestial universe, and can dictate how people schedule their activities. Nobody wants to work on a Sunday, which is often viewed as a day of rest.

Today though, the Sun is about to be eclipsed, literally and figuratively by the original lady of the night, The Moon. The purpose of this editorial is to raise awareness of the relevance of the moon and its varying stages of waxing and waning and how one can use these energies to move forward, to gain more self awareness, and for most people, just to “shake them up a little”. Bear in mind that my studies come from personal experience and self study of astrology, which at most, offers “possibilities” and in no way promises a fixed destiny. In this life, one is always granted free will.

A quick lesson: There is the New Moon phase (when the moon starts off like a crescent) and the self-explanatory Full Moon. When the moon is new it “waxes”, (approaching full moon status) this is often the best time for you to start something new, take a risk. A full moon on the other hand, symbolizes the culmination or end. These moon phases occur every month, so you basically have one chance to get things moving and growing on a regular basis. This April though will be slightly different, as the moon comes equipped with a “turbo-booster” More on that later.

The New Moon started on April 8, but to be precise, it hit our part of the world at 4:37am this very morning, the full moon will reach maximum potency on the 24th late evening. (Yawn) and so what? So everything. If you want something new to happen in your life, if you want a project you have been dreaming of to move, it’s best to start presenting these new ideas or striving for goals within the weeks that the moon grows from New to Full. For example, if you have wanted to start an exercise regime or lose some weight, the time to enroll in a class, gym, begin a dietary program is TODAY! And if you want to see results, continue till well after the Full Moon, as it reveals the “fruits” of your labors.

Still there? The presence of the ECLIPSE adds to the potency of the moon although they only occur about twice a year. Eclipses bring to your attention (sometimes through a very dramatic event) what you need to focus on in your life at present. Even if you are NOT affected directly by the eclipse (and this is based on what month you are born in) you will notice that there are MAJOR events happening in the world around you. If the eclipse does not bring MONUMENTAL news to you it will to the rest of the world and people around you.

The eclipses are said to be the “wild cards” of the zodiac. They reveal things about situations and people to you that will “force” you (not always subtly) to make crucial decisions, often times WAY before you are prepared to. (Hence the term, turbo-booster). Choices made by everyone in general will affect the world as a whole, even if on the onset it seems like something so personal and intimate. To make this more relevant let me show you some examples. For those cynics out there bear with me a moment, you might just learn something, whether you agree with it or not.

Last week saw the passing of the Pope and millions witnessed his burial yesterday. That means an “end” right? Yes and no, the end of his tenure, yes, which has set into motion the selection process for his successor, right on the onset of the New Moon. Throw in the Solar Eclipse, and you and more variables are added to the mix. The new pope and what he stands for and represents, be he pontiff of the developing world or a doctrinal conservative, will impact the world in a major way, and I do mean the WHOLE world. The Vatican must make its announcement no SOONER than April 17, roughly a week prior to the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

Nationwide, high school graduates are storming major universities in order to register and enroll. The first three weeks of April are all about them choosing which school, which course, what time, what professor, etc., Is it coincidence that enrollment normally falls around a new moon, and that universities “close” by full moon? This month is no exception coupled and with the eclipse, the choices a student makes may possibly, for many years irreversible. Many people stay in professions unhappy or unfulfilled because they feel obligated to stick to what they learned in school. The industries they choose to eventually support will impact as in the future as well.

There is not enough space for me to fully explain the nuances (although they will certainly be felt) of the eclipse. I can only share this, be aware that eclipses bring forth revelations that may prove cataclysmic to your future. Take a step back as a situation is brought into full light, so you may gain more understanding of it, and assess wisely what to do next. By the light…of the silvery moon….


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