Monday, May 02, 2005

Livin La Vida Luna

Livin La Vida Luna

We are a superstitious lot. Though the Philippines is said to be more than 90% Catholic, I cannot throw spilled salt over my shoulder without hitting someone who has at one point “dabbled” in supposed non-Catholic rituals of astrology, fortune telling, feng shui, or avoiding walking under a ladder because it’s “malas” (bad luck). I remember as early as the age of 5, my mother would say to never put a purse or bag containing money directly on the floor because it would supposedly send ones fortune “down”.
(down where, to the government?)

The polar opposite of wanting to prevent bad luck is of course, wanting good luck. And the theme for this weekend is RENEW! RECHARGE! What’s even more appropriate is this weekend brings about the Full Moon, coupled with a lunar eclipse making it a Super! Full Moon. It has long been believed that the moon has special powers, and when it is full (as it will be by Sunday) is when witches come out, and men turn into nasty, fanged, furry beasts…(what else is new). The moon can affect moods, hence the term (and this is my own theory) “making moony-moony” so all of a sudden you find yourself dating a witch or a werewolf. Before you pass any judgment, look in the mirror first, you may be in desperate need of a shave or your laugh now resembles a cackle.

Kidding aside, the full moon’s potency are even recognized by practitioners of astanga (power) yoga. They will not practice a full moon day believing that their bodies become more susceptible to injuries and use the day for meditation and rest instead. A lunar eclipse comes only with a full moon twice a year. Under an eclipse the true nature of a person or a situation in your life will be revealed to you. Take any message you hear at the time of an eclipse seriously, see the news as more or less a non-negotiable item and try to move on. Bide your time and do not take drastic actions, or give ultimatums during an eclipse, give yourself a couple of weeks when the air has cleared to make your next move.

So how exactly is this about renewing or starting anew? Eclipses can give you epiphanies, help or give you chances to do things you never thought were possible! A TV show contract, a record or publishing deal may be offered to you. In short, an eclipse may open a door that was previously closed. Now is the time to harness the full potency of the moon and the accompanying eclipse by a wish. Normal practice is to wish upon a star but I never have the patience to wait around for one to “fall” (no offense, Ate Guy). I have prepared two simple wishing rituals for both beginners and more intermediate believers. I must stress that when you wish, you MUST first be grateful, and have a peaceful state of mind. Wishing out of desperation, hate, anger or revenge just boomerangs. If you don’t want the additional mega ton amperage of the moon adding on to the negativity, then take a long hard look at what it is you’re really wishing for.

Beginner wisher: Take a piece of unmarked white paper, preferably from an unused pad. White symbolizes innocence and purity of intention. Get a red-inked pen (red symbolizes passion) and write down your wish. There are no guidelines to manner of writing what you want, your heart should tell you, not me. Once done, take a small box, insert the paper and bury the box in your garden or wherever there is fresh soil under the light of the full moon. Throwing the box down the gutter or hiding it under some potted plants will NOT be effective. The digging symbolizes the depth of your need and indicates the willingness to work toward what you wish. If you are a high rise dweller or have no garden to speak of then you have 24 hours to find a place to dig. So no, it doesn’t necessarily have to be at your house, but this doesn’t mean you should trespass and destroy private or public property either. Be resourceful not unlawful!

Intermediate wisher: This is not for the faint hearted, and certainly not for those with low self esteem. Prior to the full moon make sure you have a long hot bath or shower. If you know what exfoliate means do so, if you don’t, ask a female or gay member of your household immediately. If you have no means to exfoliate then a fresh bar of soap will do. The essence is that you have to be as “clean” as possible. Dry off and sit down in a quiet, uncluttered part of your home. Light a white candle (again for purity) and one red (passion). Sit for as many minutes as it takes to clear your mind of angry or negative thoughts. When you’re done walk outside. If you are bold enough (literally) you can do this naked, if you’re modest, wear all white. Under the light of the full moon make a wish, you may take the candles with you. When you’re done and before your naked presence is recorded on a hidden videocam say a prayer or mantra of thanks and blow out the candles.

Regardless of the outcome, you will feel super charged, and more hopeful about the future. Happy moonwishing!


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