Saturday, September 29, 2007

Roundabout and Out

Roundabout and Out

By Katrina A. Holigores

Published on 09/14/2007

MANILA, Philippines—Logistics has never been a strong point for me. Getting lost in my own backyard or anyone’s backyard combined with a rather short term memory for names of places and streets is something I’ve learned to live with. Suffice to say finding my way from A to B is always an adventure. This week I find myself with a couple of friends on a road trip around Italy, this sounds (and is) an absolute joyride, with the exception of me having to take my shift in driving. I can and do drive back in Manila although I can’t say I’m the most patient and coolheaded person on the road. I feel constantly challenged by having to avoid all forms of public transportation, private transportation and not to mention public and private citizens who feel they are the only ones who have a right to be there. Driving abroad though is not necessarily any easier. The rules (although in general depicted in international symbols) vary and it doesn’t help when you’re trying to find parking and can’t understand what the signs mean. Read: parking directly in front of a tow away or EU 500 fine zone.

A couple of days ago I found myself snaking my way through the narrow streets of a typical Italian town which wasn’t built for anything wider than a horse. The feeling of actually maneuvering my way (both successfully, and unfortunately also unsuccessfully) through eye of a needle looking arches and maniacally parked cars raised my heartbeat a couple of times. Out on the wide open road the heartbeat raising aspect was in the form of roundabouts, (or a rotonda) which, if not entered into with confidence can cause a whole bout of insecurities. Think about it, you enter (literally) into a circular speedway of choices. Now, if you are not alert enough, you forget that someone else (or many someone elses) is bearing down on you from your left which could end up in disaster. If you are not sure of where to go and doubt yourself for a second, you miss the proper exit, and have to go around again with your tail between your legs as other cars, who know where they’re going zip by you without any hesitation.

But roundabouts are also a confidence builder, because at some point, you have to take charge and after taking a deep, deep breath choose your way out of there. It’s akin to the very moment (enter personal epiphany) that you get behind the wheel of your own life and decide that you do want to reach point A—or realize what point A actually is. Then, with that determination (taking into consideration that you will get a little sidetracked,) you go for it, just don’t be afraid to slow down every now and then to get your bearings. When driving it helps to be in a car with a GPS and a bunch of people who are understanding enough to know that even someone like Michael Schumacher hit a few speed bumps in his own career. In life expect to get pulled over a couple of times, remember to get tuned up regularly, and know with absolute certainty that there is an exit point to get to where you want to be on any roundabout you find yourself revolving. Go ahead and program your life’s GPS to be able to cruise through some of the most scenic routes that will make it the ride of a lifetime.


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