Friday, May 13, 2005

Basic Instinct

Basic Instinct

In observance of all things colonial in this country we celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow. We find ourselves doing last minute gift purchases, dinner reservations, hastily writing a card, or perhaps, a tattoo(?) done as a “momage”. Mothers are like supreme beings. They can bargain a shopkeeper down to bankruptcy, out-prescribe a medical professional in remedies, and know the ABSOLUTELY MOST PERFECT boyfriend/ girlfriend/ husband/ wife/ doctor/ route to take/ place to shop/food to cook/ gift to bring (fill in the blanks). Plus, they are the All Seeing Eye and even while creeping home after a night of debauchery with fantastic lies and excuses building up in your head, one split second of a mother’s gaze locking into your glassy one the next morning has you sputtering the ugly truth.

Whether your taste is aligned or not to your moms is irrelevant. Mother knows best. And she will never let you forget it. Some mothers are so sensitive that they can tell EXACTLY how you feel about their latest purchase, culinary effort, or whatever it is they ask your opinion about. (are those alien probes?) without you uttering a word! This truth seeking mommy missile can put the entire cast of Alias to shame. Granted that they’re not always right, and yes there are some mothers who are clueless of the world beyond their mahjong table, many seem to be pre-cognitive with regard to YOUR life. This may extend to our choice in partners or friends, and when we come home tattered and torn from life’s battlefield, they raise an eyebrow as if to say “I saw that loser coming a MILE away…but did you listen?..”

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we, children of the precogs, could also develop our intuition, and use it wisely to make decisions for ourselves about the situations and people around us? This “sixth sense” is a gift that is inherent in everyone. You do NOT have to go the “I see dead people route” (creepy music) but certainly can become more sensitive to the Un-dead. Yes, I mean the living. Try this out:

STOP AND LISTEN. Due to the barrage of fast moving images, fast songs, fast internet speed, we expect instant answers, reactions, replies. With all the mental noise we do not allow ourselves to distinguish between what is intuitive and what is just “noise”. Your initial or basic instinct about something or someone comes expressly delivered from your gut. The moment you allow your mind (or past fears and experiences) to “rationalize” what you just felt, you dilute the truth. Try not to taint what you initially feel with facts and figures, intuition is intangible.

ASK AND REFLECT. If you are Christian then you may opt to pray. Prayer has its benefits, but sometimes in prayer one becomes engulfed in asking, thanking, asking, thanking that there is no lapse at all in mental and/ or verbal action to LISTEN to a reply. Ask and you shall receive is the truth. So after you ask, shut up, really. Quiet the mind and quiet the self and allow God a WORD in. Have you ever been in a conversation with your closest friend both of you at the same time? Do you truly hear what your friend is trying to say? Like in prayer, you have to be polite and enable who you are talking to, to answer. Revel in the silence and you WILL hear something.

That sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? And come on, how do you REALLY REALLY know if what you feel is REALLY REALLY REAL? (say that three times and fast) Practice. Seriously, intuition is a muscle that needs to be flexed. And if you can’t find truth in yourself, then where else are you going to find it? Or do you keep asking mother? (It worked for Norman Bates, you say)

YOU’VE DONE IT BEFORE. Look back.. If you’re old enough to read this, then you MUST have made at least ONE correct decision in your life. Can you remember exactly what you felt back when you made up your mind that made everything fall into place? The thing about foresight is that you can only recall it in hindsight. There was a time (maybe several) what to do next, was all up to you.

Back to the Mothership.
My own theory on why mothers are practically psychic when it comes to their children is because they too made a perfect choice once, they chose to be a mom, and in that, they were granted special powers. So, you may want to cut them a little slack.

I am aware that there are many mother-child relationships that are in dire need of nurturing and connection. There are those who are in harmony and I have been blessed with a mother who though not always “right” was always coming from the right direction, one guided by love. For this mother’s day, I would like to urge you to make peace with the woman who brought you into this world. Whatever the state of your relationship with your mom to her credit, she did what she felt to be best for you. And if you are not reading this from behind bars, then she didn’t do such a bad job.

Here ends my momage. Happy Mother’s Day Mommies!!


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