Au Natural
Discovering something new is irreplaceable, especially when it's a place you want to share with friends and, in this blog's case, the rest of the cyberworld. A Wednesday afternoon found me in a new gallery on Quirino Ave (athough people of a different generation will firmly identifu the area as Tambo) to see a series of photographs of children during playtime. Before the Michael Jackson in you comes out take note that the photos connote a joy and abandon that kinds lose themselves in during their endeavors. Hey, even sleeping is done with so much enthusiasm it take a rather cruel heart to want to stir them from their slumber. The photos were even arranged in a way that it made you want to look at them, and when I say arranged...I mean you have the opportunity to do some neck and back stretches. Congratulations to Chit and Eileen Ramirez who put up this gallery which I hope will pump in more work and even more interesting styling curator style. "Natural Lang" is the current exhibit at Blankspace, 0431 Quirino Ave, Paranaque tel. (02) 851-2647. Take a couple of hours out of a "usual" weekend and go view something new, which will probably bring more than a smile to your face. To the arts, and to those who still have the spirit for it in the Philippines. The battle isn't over they say til the soldiers stop fighting.
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